Shashi Narayan
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
National Institute of Technology, Uttarakhand
Academic Qualification
Ph. D., Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, 2019.
M. Sc.(Engg.) Structures From Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, 2013
B. Tech. (Civil Engineering) From Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, 2010.
Teaching Experience
Assistant Professor Grade-II in the Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Uttarakhand, Srinagar (Garhwal) since 2014.
Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, Manipal University Jaipur during 2013-2014.
1. S. Narayan, M. K. Shrimali, S. D. Bharti, T.K. Datta, “Effects of mainshock-aftershocks sequence on the performance of steel building frames”. International Journal of steel structures (under review).
2. S. Narayan, M. K. Shrimali, S.D. Bharti, T.K. Datta, “Retrofitting of building frames for enhanced performance under a sequence of aftershocks”. Journal of Earthquake engineering (under review).
3. Nishant, Himanshu, A. Tiwari and S. Narayan; “Mix design of self compacting concrete using lime” ,UCC2019, Paper id 146/2019.
4. S. Narayan, M. K. Shrimali, S.D. Bharti and T.K. Datta, “Performance of retrofitted building under the sequence of mainshock and aftershocks" Sixteen Symposium on Earthquake Engineering by IIT Roorkee at Roorkee / paper id 211/ 2018
5. S. Narayan, M. K. Shrimali, S.D. Bharti, T.K. Datta, “Collapse of damaged steel building frames because of earthquakes”. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 32 (1), 04017128.,
6. T. Khati, S. Kaloni and S. Narayan, “Dynamic Analysis of Water Tank.” Advances in Construction Materials and Structures (ACMS-2018), IIT Roorkee, A-166.
7. A. Kumar and S. Narayan, “Seismic Performance of Steel Frame Designed using Energy Method. “International Conference on Composite Materials and Structures (ICCMS-2017), Hyderabad, pp.713-722.
8. A. Kumar and S. Narayan, “A New Energy Based Seismic Design Method for steel Moment Resisting Multi-Storey Multi-Bay Frame.” Conference on Infrastructure Sustainability in Hilly Regions (CISHR-2017) NIT Uttarakhand, pp. 55-63.
9. S. Narayan, M. K. Shrimali, S.D. Bharti, T.K. Datta, "Progressive Collapse of Damaged Structures Under Seismic Excitation" Sixteen World Conference on Earthquake Engineering by IEA at Santigi, Chile / 1-12 / 2017
10. S Narayan, M K Shrimali, SD Bharti and TK Datta, "Seismic Behavior of Damaged Building Under Second Episode of Earthquake" 10th Structural Engineering Convention by SERC CSIR Chennai at Chennai / 1164-1169 / 2016
11. G Devaraj, S Narayan and D Roy, 2014, “A smooth discretization bridging finite element and mesh-free methods using polynomial reproducing simplex splines”, Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, Vol. 102, pp. 1-54. doi:10.3970/cmes.2014.102.001
12. D Roy and S Narayan, 2011, “A smooth DMS-FEM formulation for Mindlin plate bending problems”, Proceedings of RACE-2011, IT Varanasi (Keynote Address), pp. 7-12.
Project Supervision
At Masters level
1. A study on lateral strength of CFS wood sheathed shear wall panel under static loads
2. A comparative study of standards for wind and snow loads on transmission line system
3. Effect of Wind on Transmission Towers
4. Effect of Wind on Tower Including Soil Structure Interaction
5. Damage Detection in High Rise Building using Nonparametric System Identification Techniques
6. Effect of Material Nonlinearity on Modelling of Steel Frames.
7. Energy based Design of steel structures.
8. Dynamic Analysis of Elevated Circular Water Tank.
At Undergraduate Level
1. Classifications of steel beam sections (Completed).
2. Analysis of circular water tank using ABAQUS Software (Completed).
3. Analysis of ground water tank using ABAQUS software (Completed).
4. Design of Self Compacting Concrete (Completed).
5. Behavior of buildings under earthquake using open sees. (Completed).
6. Design of 3 storey concrete building using Microsoft Excel (Completed).
7. Design of Steel buildings using Staad Pro (Completed).
8. Desilting Analysis in Tunneling and Pressure measures. (Completed)
Professional and Administrative Activities
· Member, Senate Undergraduate Board (SUGB), NIT Uttarakhand, Since Feb 2018.
· Convener, Department Undergraduate Committee (DUGC), Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Uttarakhand, since Feb 2018.
· Member, Department Postgraduate Committee (DPGC), Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Uttarakhand, since Feb 2018.
· Member Grade Moderation Committee (Odd 2018, Even2019).
· Lab in Charge Structural Analysis Lab, Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Uttarakhand since 2017.
· In-Charge Canteen, National Institute of Technology Uttarakhand July 2018-Jan 2019.
· Assistant Warden, National Institute of Technology Uttarakhand July 2017-July 2018
· Co-Chairperson, Sports, National Institute of Technology Uttarakhand 2016-17.
· Placement Coordinator, Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Uttarakhand since 2016.
· Lab in Charge Surveying Lab, Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Uttarakhand since 2014-2017.
· In charge Construction, National Institute of Technology Uttarakhand during 2014-2015 & 2016.
· In charge Examination, Department of Civil Engineering during Jan 2015-July 2015.
· In charge Class Time Table, Department of Civil Engineering during Jan 2015-July 2015.
· Head of Department, Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Uttarakhand during 2014-2015.
· Member, library committee, NIT Uttarakhand from July 2014 to July 2015
· Nodal officer, Credit Exchange Program, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur.
· Convener, Seating Arrangement Committee, First Convocation, National Institute of Technology Uttarakhand.
· Faculty Advisor, Students society, Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Uttarakhand.
· Faculty Advisor of students in each Semester.
· Faculty In charge Help Center CSAB-2015
· Faculty In charge CCMT-2016
Short Term Training Program/Workshop attended and Conferences Organized
1. Attended Workshop on Intellectual property rights and technology transfer, May 11 -15, 2019, NIT Uttarakhand Satellite Campus, Jaipur
2. Attended Short Term Training Program on advance structural analysis and finite element methods, 08th -12th April 2019, National Centre for Disaster Mitigation & Management, MNIT Jaipur.
3. Organized International Conference on Advances in Computing Application (ICACA) February 2018, NIT Uttarakhand, India as member
4. Organized conference on infrastructure sustainability in hilly regions (CISHR) December 2017, NIT Uttarakhand, India as member
5. Attended Modern pedagogy techniques to enhance teaching skills, July 24-28, 2017, National Institute of Technology, Uttarakhand.
6. Attended a five days online training programs on “Seismic Isolation of Structures” organized by TEQIP IIT Bombay
Outreach Activities
1. Delivered a Keynote Lectures at National Conference on smart Infrastructures and Environment, Poornima Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jaipur.
2. Nodal Officer for Credit Exchange Program, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur.
3. Delivered Expert Lecture on “Parallel Computing using MATLAB” during STTP on MATLAB & LabVIEW: Application in Engineering & Sciences from 20th January 2020 to 24th January 2020 at NIT Uttarakhand.
4. Delivered Expert Lecture on “Seismic Analysis of Building Frames” During FDP on Materials, Analysis &Repair of Structures from 07th September to 12th September in Online mode at Government Engineering College Bharatpur.
5. Delivered Expert Lecture on “Modelling of Tunnels in OpenSees” During a STTP on Metro-Rail Construction and Management from 14th December 2020 to 18th December 2020 in Online mode at SVNIT Surat.
6. Delivered Expert Lecture on “Energy Based Design of Steel MRF” During a STTP on Advanced Design of Steel Structures from 21st December 2020 to 25th December 2020 in Online mode at SVNIT Surat.
7. Delivered Expert Lecture on “Plastic Analysis of Building Frames” During a FDP on Design & Analysis of Building Structure by using Extended Three-Dimensional Analysis of Building System (ETABS) from 21st December 2020 to 25th December 2020 in Online mode at, Poornima Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jaipur.
8. Delivered Expert Lecture on “Behavior of Building Frames During an Earthquake” During a STC on Analysis and Design of Structures: Practices and Challenges from 15th February to 19th February 2021 in Online mode at, National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar.